OSU CHS/COM Graduation
Saturday, May 13 2023
OSU Graduations, Class of 2023!
There will be two shifts/two graduations we will be needing help.
This is a VERY fun and exciting day!
Where: Mabree Center @ ORU (7777 S Lewis Ave, Tulsa, OK 74136)
Times: As posted below
Attire: Graduation/Business and White Coat (I would do comfortable shoes, decent amount of walking and standing)
*You may also sign up for BOTH shifts*
Instructions: Arrive at assigned times at South Entrance they will direct you to the correct place/duties from there.
If you have any questions, please reach out to myself or Mrs. Sarah Quinten (sarah.quinten@okstate.edu).
Contact the event organizers: Andrew
Confirm Password
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Graduation Year *
College *
Message to Organizer