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Printing Pill holders for the community

Monday, November 25 2024

The 3D Printing in Medicine Club is planning on distributing pill holders to our community partners at Mulberry Senior Center and Guild of Saint Margaret. To do so we will be running this event from Thursday 11/21 to Thursday 11/28 in order to create these 3D printed pill holders which are especially helpful to those with arthritis or limited finger dexterity.

6:00am - 6:00pm
Printer 11/21
remove the previous plate from the print and start a new print.
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Printer 11/22
remove the previous plate from the print and start a new print.
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Printer 11/23
ious plate from the print and start a new print.
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Printer 11/24
ious plate from the print and start a new print.
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Printer 11/25
ious plate from the print and start a new print.
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Printer 11/26
ious plate from the print and start a new print.
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Printer 11/27
ious plate from the print and start a new print.
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Printer 11/28
ious plate from the print and start a new print.
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10:00am - 8:00pm
Planning for the event, preparing the plates, checking on prints over the course of the event. Cleaning up misprinted parts.
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Contact the event organizers: Sabrina Hyman TouroCOM-NY-Middletown