Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Middletown Warming Station Training

Tuesday, October 22 2024

All new volunteers interested in helping out at the Middletown Warming Station must complete a one-time training hosted by the Station staff. The Warming Station's address is 8-10 Mulberry Street in Middletown, NY 10940. There is a private parking lot available for all volunteers to park in. Please enter the building through the side entrance. Once at the training, please scan the QR code for TouroCOM students and complete the form to obtain 0.5 TOUCH hours for completing the training.

If you have any questions, please email me at cchen35@student.touro.edu. Please refer to the Middletown Warming Station event listing on Track It Forward to find the links to the student volunteer GroupMe and calendars for shifts.

7:00pm - 8:00pm
Please include "1 training hour = TOTAL 0.5 TOUCH hours" in the description box on Track It Forward when you submit your time.

Contact the event organizers: Colleen Chen TouroCOM-NY-Middletown