Touro Refugee Health Navigator Program
Saturday, April 13 2024
Students will collaborate to edit existing health education workshop presentation materials and can work together to develop presentations on topics of interest (e.g. sexual health, substance abuse, hypertension). Presentations should include a powerpoint presentation and interactive components to engage a Zoom audience for 2 hours. These presentations will be delivered virtually to refugee families in the D.C.-Maryland-Virginia area during the 2024-25 school year through the Ethiopian Community Development Council Refugee Agency by volunteers in the program (students participating in the National DO Day of Service do not have to deliver these presentations). Contact Shougat Barua ( or Sarah Wong ( through Touro's Refugee Health Navigator Program with questions/concerns. Students who sign up will be provided more guidance and a Google Drive folder to upload materials.
Location: Virtual
Contact the event organizers: Sravya Gudipudi TUCOM-CA