Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Period Party (Hosted By: PHOP, PHC, AMWA-OBGYN, and OPSC)

Saturday, April 01 2023

Please join us on Saturday, April 1, 2023 for a Period Party! We are coming together to support menstrual education and community engagement as we help create period packs for people experiencing homelessness. We are collaborating with She Stories, an organization dedicated to providing a safe space for women to share their challenges and victories.

Location: HEC Recital Hall

Volunteers: Donations including pads, tampons, feminine wipes, menstrual cups, new underwear, etc. would be appreciated!

10:00am - 12:30pm
50 / 50

Contact the event organizers: Tassaporn Sangkijporn WesternUCOMP-Pomona