Canned Food Transport (Hosted by: AAHPSA)
Saturday, April 01 2023
AAHPSA volunteers will be collecting canned, preserved, and non-perishable food during the week prior to April 1st. On April 1st, volunteers will take the collected goods and donate them to AYCLA (Asian Youth Center LA) (pending approval), a non-profit organization whose goal is to empower low income and immigrant families to overcome barriers through the provision of culturally and linguistically competent education, employment, and social services.
5 volunteers may opt to take this responsibility and drive the food to the food bank for these extra hours.
NOTE: Volunteers signing up for this event are required to transport canned food donations to AYCLA (Asian Youth Center LA).
Contact the event organizers: Tassaporn Sangkijporn WesternUCOMP-Pomona
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First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Graduation Year *
College *
Message to Organizer