Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Registration Day 2019 - Volunteers Needed

Saturday, March 09 2019

Volunteers for Registration Day 2019

* Set-up/organize the food/drinks hospitality tables
* Maintain the hospitality tables (replenish food/drinks, paper goods, utensils as needed)
* Clean and maintain hospitality tables throughout the event
* Clean-up all goods at the end of the event
* Check-in at the Dining Hall with Cherry Agapito or Krisandra Torres
* Contact Cherry Agapito at cherrya77@gmail.com for questions
* Remember to log your hours

7:30am - 1:30pm
Hospitality Volunteers
set-up/maintain/clean-up hospitality tables
6 / 6

Contact the event organizers: La Salle College Preparatory