Welcome Back Social Chaperones
Saturday, August 26 2023
Number of chaperones needed: 6-8
Report time: 6:30pm
Check in location: Parent chaperones will check in with Coach Tolbert at the dining hall. His emai is Stolbert@lasallehs.org if you have any questions.
End time: 10pm
Duties needed: lower gate supervision, outside of restroom supervision, stairway between locker room supervision, field entrance supervision
6:30pm - 10:00pm
Number of chaperones needed: 6-8
Report time: 6:30pm
Check in location: Parent chaperones will check in with Coach Tolbert at the dining hall
End time: 10pm
Duties needed: lower gate supervision, outside of restroom supervision, stairway between locker room supervision, field entrance supervision
Contact the event organizers: Tara Morales
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Student #1
Student #1 Grad Year
Student #2
Student #2 Grad Year
Student #3
Student #3
Family Type *
Message to Organizer