Parent Association Meeting
Tuesday, March 12 2024
The Parent Association meeting is scheduled for 6pm on Tuesday, March 12th. We hope that you can join us in-person or remotely via zoom. Parents attending in person will receive 2 hours and via zoom 1 hour volunteer credit. In-person will be in the dining hall starting at 6:00pm to allow for parents to mingle and grab some food. Please enter through the lower gate on Michillinda. Remote meeting via zoom will begin at 6:30pm. The zoom link was included in last week's parent communication bulletin and can also be found below.
We are extremely excited to announce that Dr. Melissa Johnson, licensed psychologist and founder/CEO of Flourish Therapy and Wellness Center and the Institute for Girls’ Development will be our featured guest speaker. With a Masters in Education and a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology, Dr. Johnson is an expert on child and adolescent development and has been working with children, teens, young adults and parents for over 35 years. She is a sought after speaker on both coasts of the US and she is passionate about sharing ways for parents and young people to thrive independently and in relationships with each other. By special request, she has put together an engaging presentation on a very relevant topic:
“HOW TO PARENT EFFECTIVELY DURING THE TEEN YEARS AND BEST SUPPORT YOUR TEEN’S TRANSITION TO YOUNG ADULTHOOD!” Parents, learn strategies you can use right now to support yourselves and your teens as they make the most of their high school years and the transition to life beyond high school!
Link to program description:
Contact the event organizers: Kim & Brett Dammann