Facilities Work Party
Saturday, October 01 2022
Saturday October 1st, 10:00am to 2:00pm will be our first work party for the school year. Come and join us for a chance to help clean up and beautify some of our campus spaces, get some volunteer hours early in the year, see old friends and meet new ones! Feel free to join us for some or part of the time. You will see below that the hours for each job are set for the full duration of the work party. Please feel free to move between jobs as you see fit and track your hours in the system accordingly. You do not have to just do one task the entire time.
10:00am - 2:00pm
Weeding Crew
If possible please bring your favorite weeding implements and gloves. We have some available probably not enough for everyone. We will be weeding:
-All beds in front of the school buildings
-Throughout the upper el playground
Painting Troop
We need a few detail-oriented and neat-working people to touch up the black paint on our railings and posts. There may even be some yellow areas that can get touched up too! We will provide paint, brushes, and tarps.
Hospitality & Good Cheer Squad
Not everyone has to get dirty! Help keep crew morale high by bringing a snack or beverage to share, play DJ for a few hours, and help spread good cheer. You can also help keep an eye on the building to watch who is going in and out to use the restroom. Let's get this party started! (non-alcoholic drinks only & please use your best judgement for appropriate music)
10:00pm - 2:00pm
Gravel Team
We have about a yard of gravel to move from the upper el playground to add to the gravel area behind Kinder. Shovels and wheelbarrows provided. Teamwork and sharing the load is essential to get this one done.
Contact the event organizers: Bethany Dilla
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Phone Number
Message to Organizer