Bayou Gardens Open House
Saturday, February 23 2019
Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuges Complex
61389 Hwy 434, Lacombe, LA 70445
(985) 882-2000
Join us to celebrate camellias and spring at the historic gardens at our Lacombe headquarters. FREE garden tours, indoor camellia displays and growing tips, workshops, arts and crafts, and more! Enjoy free refreshments provided by the Friends of Louisiana Wildlife Refuges.
Garden Tours History Tours at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Camellia Tours at 10 a.m.,12:30, 3 p.m. Tours meet outside Visitor Center.
Join garden experts, Rangers, and volunteer guides on a one-hour stroll of Bayou Lacombe Center’s grounds and gardens to explore the site’s history or identify some of the camellias on the property.
Talks and Workshops Talks and Workshops at Conservation Room.
10:30 - 11:30 “NatureScaping for Wildlife” Join Dr. Sue Wilder, retired USFWS ecologist to discover what native plants will provide both beauty for your garden, and backyard habitat for wildlife and pollinators.
1 p.m. “How to Be Bee and Pollinator Friendly in Your Garden and Yard” Beekeeper and Master Gardener Jim Bates talks pollinators, their important role, and how we can help them. Question and answer session to follow talk.
Flower Arts and Crafts: Make a waxed camellia (11 a.m. – 3 p.m.). Create a crafty "upcycled" butterfly or pollinator (9 a.m. – 4 p.m.). At the Visitor Center.
View Camellia Displays and Ask an Expert: Bring your gardening or camellia questions to the St. Tammany Parish LSU/Ag Agent and camellia growing experts from the Northshore and the New Orleans Camellia Clubs. In the Conservation Room, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Butterfly Demonstration Garden: The flowers may be “sleeping” but the St. Tammany Master Gardeners will be at the garden to share information about how you can garden for pollinators. Gardeners present from 11:30 – 3.
Bayou Gardens Open House is brought to you by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Friends of Louisiana Wildlife Refuges, the LSU Ag Center office of St. Tammany Parish, the St. Tammany Master Gardeners, the Camellia Club of New Orleans, and the Northshore Camellia Clubs.
Contact the event organizers: Erin Richardson