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New Orleans City Park Girl Scout Camp Out

Friday, March 29 2019

Friday, March 29th
Meet at the Model Airplane Field between Couturie Forest and the Golf Course - 6401 Mona Lisa Drive. Parking is available at 6305 Mona Lisa Drive.
Contact Lindsay Kirsch with any questions. lkirsch@nocp.org; 504-483-9461

New Orleans City Park is hosting their first ever overnight camp out for local Girl Scouts! They are looking for 4 volunteers to lead small groups of the girls and their chaperones on a nature walk in Couturie Forest from 5-6pm. All girls will be provided with a "Couturie Forest Field Guide/Scavenger Hunt" to use on the walk. The guide lists native and invasive species -plants, birds, bats, animals and insects. They would like volunteers to arrive at 4pm so they have a chance to familiarize themselves with the species in the field guide and coordinate walking routes through the forest with the other volunteers.
The "Field Guide" for the forest will also be shared with volunteers ahead of time.


4:00pm - 6:00pm
Girl Scout Camp out Volunteer
Volunteer Hours
1 / 4

Contact the event organizers: Alanna Frick