May Workday at Fontainbleau State Park
Saturday, May 25 2019
Hosted by the Sierra Club Delta Chapter
Fontainebleu State Park
62883 Hwy. 1089 · Mandeville, LA
How to find us: We will initially meet at the Visitors Center in the Park. If you come late, ask at the Rangers Station check-in for them to direct you to us.
• What we'll do
Extreme state park budget cuts in recent years leave our beloved natural parks vulnerable to closures, both temporary and long-term. The Sierra Club is stepping in to help. We've accomplished a lot in 2018, but there's still a lot to do; maintenance never ends!
Bring your gloves, garden tools and get ready to prune, clip, work trails, plant, paint and pressure wash at Fontainebleau State Park in St. Tammany Parish!
We will work from 8 to noon with a pot luck picnic lunch following for those who are interested.
• What to bring
Bring safety gear (PPE including such things as goggles and ear plugs if you're going to use noisy equipment!), work gloves, simple garden tools - personal items such as sunshade hats, bug spray, sunscreen, etc. Comfortable work clothes and shoes. Pack a picnic lunch or shareable dish and water (it's important to stay hydrated)!
• Important to know
Our jobs change from month to month; we try to help out where it is most needed. If you have special skills, like carpentry, plumbing, electricity, gardening/landscaping, etc., please let us know! There are some jobs that require a skill set that not everyone has.
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee