URGENT LCM Bird Watching Station
Saturday, February 15 2020
YOU MUST REGISTER HERE: Laine Farber at lfarber@lcm.org
Hello Master Naturalists,
The Louisiana Children’s Museum will be holding a special program to celebrate the wonderful birds of south-east Louisiana on Saturday, February 15th. The event will run from 12- 4. We are looking for Master Naturalists to help us run birdwatching stations, bird sketching stations and nature tours of our outdoor landscape. Volunteers can come for shifts from 12-2 or 2-4. You are also welcome to volunteer for the entire event. If you would like to volunteer your time to help local children gain a greater appreciation for birds and learn to be citizen scientists, please email Laine Farber at lfarber@lcm.org
In your email, please include the following information:
Full name
What shift you would like to volunteer for
Phone number
Emergency contact
Emergency contact phone number
Thank you for your time,
Laine Farber
Move with the River Gallery Manager
(504) 218-8538 Office
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee