Saturday, March 06 2021
Hello Master Naturalists,
Spring is “springing” at least in the New Orleans area. At least to the observant naturalist, spring is underway. March is the month that locally, the broadleaf trees quickly change seasons. To maximize the opportunity to note these seasonal changes, we will walk in Lafreniere Park in Metairie this Saturday, March 6th from 9 to noon. My original destination which was the Bogue Chitto State Park still has trees in the winter mode. (We will visit that park in April or May on another Walk in the Woods.)
This Saturday, the intent is to observe about a dozen species of broadleaves to see what is happening. Among species observed closely will be American elm, green ash, an assortment of oaks, river birch, cottonwood, catalpa and more. Each is “springing” but in its own way at its own tempo and with its own growths. Within a few weeks, these trees will be green with brand new leaves unchanging for months. We want to take the time now - a snapshot of that transition to see what is going on. I will have a list of trees and a route with the intent that later each naturalist can return on their own to continue observing seasonal changes.
If able to come, please send a note to Byron Almquist, byron@canoeandtrail.com .…… I will send more details Thursday night, March 4th. These hours count as educational times. Forecast now on weather.com is for temps in mid 60s, no rain and cloudy skies - excellent for being outdoors to note the passing of the winter season.
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee