SOUL Tree Planting--Various Locations
Saturday, February 20 2021
Sign-in at 9:30 AM; Planting from 10 AM - 1 PM
Saturday, February 6th - Hoffman Triangle
Saturday, February 13th - Broadmoor
Monday, February 15th - Hardin Park (7th Ward)
Friday, February 19th - Algiers
Saturday, February 20th - Mid-City
Saturday, February 27th - Treme/7th Ward/Fairgrounds
Sign-Up to Volunteer at a Tree Planting Event!
Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Volunteers like you are critical to reforesting our urban landscape and reaching our goal of planting 1,500 native, water-loving trees this year!
Please fill out the form below to sign up. You will receive details about the Saturday planting on the Thursday prior to the planting date.
For any questions related to volunteering, please contact Jamie at
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee