Camphor Removal
Saturday, June 26 2021
This Saturday is another opportunity to open up ground and sunshine so that native vegetation can germinate and thrive on Scout Island in City Park. Now there is an invasive tree which perhaps is the most numerous of tree on the island – camphor. When camphors are reduced in number, then oaks, hickories, ashes and perhaps a birch or tupelo may take their place. Such a succession would be good for wildlife and human life.
Our scheduled volunteer session last Saturday was canceled due to a dire forecast. The new date is this Saturday, June 26th from nine to noon. The meeting site as always is at the pedestrian bridge on the west side of Scout Island. Enter from Marconi Drive at the river end of the ruby/soccer fields and proceed to the large set of playground equipment.
The forecast now for Saturday is a high of 86 with 30% of rain – typical summer forecast. A shower would be welcomed.
A change in signing up procedure is due to the fact the park’s volunteer coordinator has resigned so that he can begin his graduate studies. The City Park web site to sign up to volunteer may not be working.
To sign up for this Saturday, send me a note that you are coming – and hopefully with several friends, relatives or any other recruits. I have all of the tools that normally City Park would provide. All you need is your own canteen of cold water and snacks and a hat. All the tools and gloves are furnished.
This will be the last volunteer session for now until they resume late next fall. We probably will be still eradicating camphors through 2022, there are so many.
So please volunteer your time and energy. Talent not needed. Just time and energy. Your hours of eradicating camphors, count toward your annual quota of service hours.
If questions, pls send me a note.
Byron Almquist.
Class of Fall 2013
Contact the event organizers: byron almquist