Volunteers Needed to Protect Beach-nesting Birds!
Friday, July 02 2021
Headed to the beach this 4th of July weekend? Audubon is looking for volunteer stewards to protect sensitive nesting areas at Rutherford Beach and Holly Beach in southwest Louisiana.
Join Audubon staff to educate beachgoers about the importance of coastal dunes for both nesting birds and human communities. Shifts are available from 9 am-4 pm Friday, July 2nd through Sunday, July 4th. The beach will be crowded with beachgoers, vehicles, campers, and flightless baby birds.
We were successful in protecting these birds during the busy Memorial Day weekend and need your help to make sure the July 4th weekend is just as successful!
If interested in volunteering for a few hours, please contact Audubon’s Coastal Stewardship Manager, Katie Barnes at katie.barnes@audubon.org.
Volunteers will coordinate and work with our coastal staff to protect eggs and chicks from human disturbances over the busy holiday weekend.
Audubon will provide cold water, safety vests, and outreach materials to share with beachgoers.
Volunteers should bring: snacks and/or lunch for your scheduled shift, sunscreen, beach chair, sun-protective clothing, and hat.
Learn more about being a Bird Steward by joining our webinar on Monday, June 28th! Click below to register https://click.everyaction.com/k/31385892/292499447/-728166375?nvep=ew0KI...
We hope to see you on the beach!
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee