crosby-general-public-information] Crosby Arboretum **JULY TEACHER WORKSHOPS!!**
Saturday, July 17 2021
Teachers and homeschool educators! Please join us in July for two outstanding teacher workshops!! CALL 601-799-2311 NOW to sign up!
Saturday, July 17, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
One of the oldest and most successful environmental education programs, PLT offers interdisciplinary, fun, hands-on lesson plans based on sound science and correlated to state standards. This K-8 workshop is open to both teachers and homeschool educators. Conducted by Emma Skinner, State Coordinator for Mississippi Project Learning Tree, the workshop features a “Hike Through the PLT Guide” and teamwork activities for learning the lesson plans. Thanks to support from the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, participants will receive the newly revised 50-lesson-plan PreK-8 “Explore Your Environment” and the “Green Jobs” guide free of charge. Please bring a brown bag lunch. 0.5 CEUs available for $10 (Limit 20 persons). Call the Crosby Arboretum office at (601) 799-2311 to sign up for this workshop (pay on July 17).
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee