[braudubon] Wood Stork & Wading Birds event
Saturday, July 31 2021
Saturday 7/31 will be the annual Wood Stork & Wading Bird event at Sherburne WMA South Farm near Ramah, Louisiana. (See attached flyer). If you are 16-59 you must have a valid hunting, fishing or Wild LA permit (see wlf.la.gov under licenses). Event will run from 7-10am. Come early to see the most birds and beat the heat!
Be aware this is NOT at Sherburne WMA headquarters so be careful when using a GPS for directions. You want to get here from I-10 not from 190.
Directions: exit at Ramah off I-10 exit 135. Turn right at the stop sign. Turn left at first available road. Takes you past small store. Turn right at next road. Takes you over small bridge. Turn right just past Bayou. Follow surface road (not road on top of levee) for about 2 miles til you see the south farm sign on the left. Go up and over levee to the left into parking lot. You’ll see a brown shed and a sign in kiosk. The yellow gate is locked normally. You can walk in (or bike or atm) any time. For this event they let us drive and park. Then they take us to observation tower in ATV’s. Normally it’s about a 1.5 mile walk each way. No registration or fee is required other than the licensing requirement listed above.
For more information please contact:
LDWF : 337-735-8682
USACE : 337-585-0853
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee