North Lake Nature center : Abita Creek Flatwoods Preserve Walk
Saturday, April 09 2022
Abita Creek Flatwoods Preserve” is part of a 10,000 acre tract of intact pine flatwood wetlands in southeast Louisiana managed by The Nature Conservancy. It supports high quality examples of longleaf pine flatwood savanna, slash pine–pond cypress woodlands, and bayhead swamps. This is a great stopover spot for spring migratory birds. Nearly 30 rare native plants have been identified on the area, as well rare grassland birds -Bachman’s sparrow and Henslow’s sparrow and many Prothonotary warblers. We will be walking along an informative boardwalk to view the many different species of native plants and the many special birds that inhabit the habitat. $20 members/ $25 non-members. We will have an experienced bird guide to point out all the migrating birds as they pass our way! Limited space is available so register early! Contact or call 985-626-1238 to register early!
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee