“Mushroom Walk” with mushroom enthusiast John Mansfield.
Saturday, May 07 2022
Sign up now to learn all about the mushroom that sprout up in the fall! John has 40 + years of experience studying those little toadstools or spore-bearing fruiting bodies of a fungus which typically are produced above ground on soil or on its food source. The program will start in the pavilion with a slide show presentation that John has got together and then a scavenger hunt for mushrooms. We will return to the pavilion and identify the mushrooms found. If you have one you’d like to bring from home, please do so! You will learn which ones to leave behind! Space is limited. Reservations Required. Free for members, non-members-$5.00 Call 985-626-1238 or email rue@northlakenature.org
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee
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