Crosby Arboretum programs
Saturday, May 21 2022
Project WET Workshop for Educators: Climate, Weather and Water Resilience
Saturday, May 21, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Project WET is an award-winning environmental program centered on cutting-edge water education. Correlated to the Common Core Standards and NGSS, the curriculum and activity guide provides upper level (middle through high school) educators the tools (including apps) they need to integrate water education into every school subject. The guide includes numerous extensions for using the activities in Pre-K environments and features field-tested activities and information on teaching methods, assessment strategies and more. A hands-on interdisciplinary workshop for teachers, homeschool educators, and others who serve in a teaching role. The workshop will be led by Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Outreach Educator Sabrina Cummings. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Workshop cost of $25 includes a workbook. CEU’s (0.6) available for $10. (Limit 20 persons). Call early to sign up (pay on day of workshop).
Patricia R. Drackett
Director, The Crosby Arboretum, Mississippi State University
Assistant Extension Professor of Landscape Architecture
The Crosby Arboretum/MSU Extension Service
P.O. Box 1639, 370 Ridge Rd., Picayune, MS 39466
Ph. (601) 799-2311
“Extending Knowledge. Changing Lives.”
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee