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St. Bernard Bird Festival

Saturday, May 07 2022

Bird Banding (Outdoor Pavilion)Wood Carving Exhibit (Woodcarvers’ Tent)

St. Bernard Art Guild Exhibit (Art Guild Tent)

Purple Martin Exhibit and Presentation (Purple Martin Tent)

Common Ground Relief Wetlands, LLC—Charlotte Clark

(Frank M. Fernandez Multi-Purpose Building)

10:00 am *Guided Birding Tour Begins—Glenn Ousset (Outdoor Pavilion)

10:00 am “Wind in My Feathers” Exhibit and Presentation—Sally Farrell

(Wind in My Feathers Tent)

1:00 pm **(Presentation) Dr. Erik Johnson, Audubon Louisiana

Entitled: “Migratory Birds and the Mississippi River”

1:30 pm Guided Native Plant Walking Tour—Linda van Aman (Outdoor


* All birding tours will begin at the Outdoor Pavilion and last approximately one hour. Birding sites are located approximately three miles away from the Bird Festival grounds. Visitors must provide their own transportation. Call Glenn Ousset if you have questions: (504) 495-4284.

**Dr. Johnson’s presentation will be held inside the Frank M. Fernandez Multi-Purpose Building.

Air-Boat Tours of Caernarvon Diversion

Audubon Delta will also be hosting air-boat tours of the Caernarvon Diversion, which includes some of the newest freshwater marsh built in Louisiana and a colonial waterbird rookery.

2-hour boat tours will be held at 8;00 am, 10:00 am, 1;00 pm, and 3:00 pm each day.

To register, please contact Nic Dixon at Nicholas.Dixon@audubon.org. Each tour can hold 3 people. First come first serve.

9:00am - 4:00pm
Birding CE
Continuing Education

Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee