Nature Tour Guide Training at Louisiana Children's Museum (HOURS x2)
Saturday, June 25 2022
(Double hours are for the training only, not for individual shifts)
This is a great opportunity to acquire volunteer hours while introducing children to nature! LMNGNO has partnered with the Louisiana Children's Museum to conduct Nature Tours on the museum's property for its guests. The training for Nature Tour Guides is on June 25th from 10:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m., which includes volunteer training by LCM. You can choose to receive ten hours of continuing education or volunteer credit on that day! After your training, you will be able to sign up as a Nature Tour Guide and receive volunteer credit whenever you conduct tours. You will be provided with scripts and visuals to support your tours. We will have a "working lunch," so bring your lunch or plan to eat at the Acorn Cafe on the premises. Meet in the lobby of the LCM at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 25th .If you have questions, email and put "LCM Nature Guide Training" in the title, please!
Contact the event organizers: N. J. Stanley