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Volunteer opportunity with BTNEP

Thursday, February 02 2023

Forwarding from Michael Massimi:

Esteemed Naturalists,

Michael Massimi and BTNEP are looking for a small number of volunteers any weekday from FEBRUARY 2nd to FEBRUARY 14th to help with the LA Dept of Wildlife & Fisheries' Derelict Crab Trap Removal Program in the Terrebonne Basin. Lost or discarded crab traps can "ghost fish" for months, so annual crabbing closures allow DWF and partners to go into a specified area and remove them. Volunteers can sign up to go out into the marsh on a crab boat and either help pull traps from the water or help mark GPS locations and record data including the contents of the derelict traps; or stay on shore to help crush traps and toss them into the dumpster. Boat volunteers would have to be at Isle de Jean Charles Marina by 8am, preferably with their own life jacket. Shore volunteers should arrive there by 930am. You will see famed Isle de Jean Charles and the surrounding marshes between Pointe Aux Chene and Bayou Terrebonne. It is hard, dirty work. Who's with me???

Contact Michael Massimi by email at michael@btnep.org with questions or to sign up for one or more of the weekday slots.

Clean up CE

Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee