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Yard Tree Giveaway Event - Hazelwood

Saturday, October 28 2023

Thank you for volunteering for Yard Tree Giveaway!

At this fun and fast-paced event we will be giving away about 300 trees to Portlanders!
Folks have pre-registered for trees. The event is set up as a drive-thru format where the recipient stays in their car until it is time to load up the trees.

-We will work rain or shine, so be sure to dress for the weather and wear closed-toe shoes.
-Snacks and water will be provided to volunteers. Please bring a reusable water bottle and lunch if you will need it.

High impact work includes:
-Loading and unloading tools and event materials
-Shoveling mulch into mulch buckets
-Loading trees and mulch into vehicles

Low impact work:
-Directing traffic & handing out information on the event
-Getting people signed in at the registration tent

The event will be located at Ventura Elementary School - Front parking lot
Thank you for your commitment to Urban Forestry!

8:00am - 12:00pm
High Impact
6 / 6
  • Jim Keiter
  • Julie Garner
  • Ryan Lund
  • Thomas Gronke
  • Tim Ledlie
  • Yasmine Branden

Contact the event organizers: Molly Wilson