Chicken Chore Training
Friday, December 20 2019
Help our “chicken chore” volunteer group perform daily tasks for our flock: bring food and water; collect, clean, and tally eggs; and more. This is a great way for young people and families to get involved as these chores can be done at your own pace with flexible timing and morning, evening, and weekend slots available. Volunteers must complete this training session before signing up for chores. We expect that volunteers will commit to signing up for chores at least 3x a month for the winter/early-spring season. Please note that chores do require some lifting and navigating uneven ground (especially in wintertime with the snow and ice).
Once you have completed this training session successfully, we will give you a track it forward account so you can sign up for chores at your convenience.
Contact the event organizers: Erika Gorgenyi