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Chicken Chore Training

Tuesday, July 06 2021

Learn how to do chicken chores at the farm. In this in-person training, we'll go over chicken basics, how to feed and care for our chickens, what equipment to use and where to find it at the farm, harvest eggs, and more. Once you have completed this training, you will be eligible to sign up for our chicken chores (Chicken chores are limited this season because our youth education programs have incorporated chicken chores into their daily lessons.)

This training session will take place at the farm. We will have up to 6 people max at a time, allowing for proper safe distancing. Masks must be work during this training session.

Children 10 - 15 years old must be accompanied by an adult. For effective training, we ask that any children under 10, not attend this session. We find that it is more effective for parents planning to do chicken chores with their families, to come without young children, so that they can focus on the details of chicken care. They'll be better prepared to teach the whole family for their first "on farm" chicken chore session.

Meet in front of the Farm Stand.

And please fill out this form before arriving. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVWtWW04lRKlOapJTmu9fN5epFtR8h...

10:30am - 11:30am
6 / 6

Contact the event organizers: Erika Gorgenyi