Farm Stand Deep Clean!
Friday, July 02 2021
Help us get ready to open the farm stand by lending a hand to do a deep clean in the stand. Wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty, and if you have work/gardening gloves, feel free to bring those as well. Come prepared for the weather as well, the Farm Stand is kind of an outdoor space as well.
Meet Amy at the Farm Stand at 10am. We'll do two power hours and see how much we can get done.
10:00am - 12:00pm
Contact the event organizers: Amy Rindskopf
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Orientation Completed
Liability Form Submitted
Photo Permission Given
Student/Under 18?
Family Group?
WLF Staff/Board
K: Trained for Clean Up
K: Trained as Junior Chef (< 18)
Trained for Farm Liaison
Beekeeping/Hive Checks
Trained for Goat Chores
Trained as Flower Crew
Message to Organizer