New Volunteer Orientation and Chicken Chore Training
Tuesday, November 23 2021
Our chickens have returned to their warm winter chicken house after a long summer of grazing in the fields. This orientation will not only give you an introduction to our farm, but will also teach you about the chickens and you will discover if you would like to help out as a volunteer with chicken chores this winter. This includes checking on their water, food and bedding. Since we also will be touching on general farm information, this orientation will also give you the ability to sign up for future volunteer opportunities on the farm.
We will be meeting on the small patio in front of the Farm Stand.
We hope you can make it!
Contact the event organizers: Melanie Raelin
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Orientation Completed
Liability Form Submitted
Photo Permission Given
Student (College/High School)
WLF Staff/Board
K: Trained for Clean Up
K: Trained as Junior Chef (< 18)
Trained for Farm Liaison
Beekeeper's Assistant
Trained for Goat Chores
Trained as Flower Crew
Message to Organizer