Event Prep
Saturday, April 30 2022
Come help the events team at Wright-Locke Farm setup for an all day social event! It will entail moving some tables and chairs. Meet us in the All Season Barn at 82 Ridge Street. Please ensure you have attended the new volunteer orientation.
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Contact the event organizers: Ambika Patel
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Orientation Completed
Liability Form Submitted
Photo Permission Given
Student/Under 18?
Family Group?
WLF Staff/Board
K: Trained for Clean Up
K: Trained as Junior Chef (< 18)
Trained for Farm Liaison
Beekeeping/Hive Checks
Trained for Goat Chores
Trained as Flower Crew
Message to Organizer