Winter Farm Help
Tuesday, February 21 2023
Come help out the farm crew with a task or two either in the fields or in the barn. Its join to be chilly so please dress to be outside. We ask that you work for at least 2 hours of the shift. Bring water and wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty!
We will meet at the Squash House.
Contact the event organizers: Melanie Raelin
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Orientation Completed
Liability Form Submitted
Photo Permission Given
Student/Under 18?
Family Group?
WLF Staff/Board
K: Trained for Clean Up
K: Trained as Junior Chef (< 18)
Trained for Farm Liaison
Beekeeping/Hive Checks
Trained for Goat Chores
Trained as Flower Crew
Message to Organizer