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Encounter Speaker Series

Sunday, April 10 2022

Encounter Speaker Series features members of the St. Francis Community sharing insights on the intersection of faith with different disciplines and experiences. The event will begin with mass at 5pm in the St. Francis chapel. Mr. Burghdorf will speak in Founders Hall immediately following mass. We are looking for volunteers to help us set-up/clean-up at the event. We are also hoping for item donations for service hours. Please sign up below. Please note you may only sign up for one shift. Thank you!

4:00pm - 6:00pm
Entire Event Volunteer
Help set-up and clean-up the event.
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Donate 3 dozen potato balls from Portos
Donate 3 dozen potato balls from Porto's and deliver them to Founder's Hall (located next to the outdoor basketball courts behind the gym) at 4:00pm on the day of the event. Please attach your name and receipt for service hours. Thank you!
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Donate 8ish pounds of grapes
Purchase 8ish pounds of grapes. Please rinse the grapes, so they are ready to serve. Deliver them to Founder's Hall (located next to the outdoor basketball courts behind the gym) at 4:00pm on the day of the event. Please attach your name and receipt for service hours. Thank you!
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Donate 2 dozen individually wrapped dessert treats: brownies, cookies, or rice crispy treats
Donate 2 dozen treats: brownies, cookies, or rice crispy treats cut approximately 2 inches in size. Please bag them individually so we can adhere to Covid protocols. Deliver them to Founder's Hall (located next to the outdoor basketball courts behind the gym) at 4:00pm on the day of the event. Please attach your name and receipt for service hours. Thank you!
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Contact the event organizers: Doerfler Christina