Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Feed My Starving Children Food Packing Event

Saturday, March 01 2025

Come participate in a fun food packing event at New Canaan High School cafeteria to benefit Feed My Starving Children.

Create a login at Feed My Starving Children website at http://give.fmsc.org/newcanaan and sign up for a 2 hour time slot (If link doesn't work, copy and paste the link into a new tab)

Next, sign up on Track It Forward

**Important** You must sign up on Track it Forward AND on the Feed My Starving Children volunteer page so they know you are coming.**

Please remember to wear your SLOBs T-shirt.
Contact Anna Angilletta at annaerica@optonline.net or Matthew Angilletta at (203)939-0705. Thank you.

9:00am - 11:00am
packing food
15 / 15
12:00pm - 2:00pm
packing food
37 / 38
3:00pm - 5:00pm
packing food
24 / 26
5:00pm - 8:00pm
clean up
6 / 6

Contact the event organizers: Angilletta Anna