Valentines for the Domestic Violence Crisis Center
Sunday, February 09 2025
Help the residents at the Domestic Violence Crisis Center have a Happy Valentine's Day! We are looking for SLOBs to "share the love" on Valentine's Day. We would like to deliver 48 chocolate chip cookies (4 bags of 12 cookies), and 24 Valentines for the kids staying in the DVCC safe houses. If we could get 4 SLOBs to provide a dozen cookies, and 4 SLOBs to provide 6 valentines for youth, it would be great! Help bring joy and love to this community at Valentine's Day!
1 Hour Credit for this activity (baking cookies/dropoff, or writing 6 valentines)
Please deliver cookies & valentines to the Reagan home by February 9th: 377 Ponus Ridge, New Canaan.
Questions? Please contact Henry Reagan ( or Katharine Reagan ( or 425.301.1170
Contact the event organizers: Katharine Reagan