Thursday, September 08 2022
The 13th Street District will be hosting a free family-friendly event featuring “Classic Cars, Timeless Tunes, and Good Eats”! Join us to enjoy a variety of classic cars, listen to timeless tunes, and great eats.
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Stationed at barricades/ road closures. (2 people per barricade) Welcomes patrons, helps enforce rules: no dogs inside events area during the event per city ordnance, ensure that no patrons drive through event area.
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Greeter/ Clean Up
Stationed at barricades/ road closures. (2 people per barricade) Welcomes patrons, helps enforce rules: no dogs inside events area during the event per city ordnance, ensure that no patrons drive through event area. Help clean up after event.
Contact the event organizers: Shannon Johnson
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