Solo Ensemble Submissions
Friday, April 10 2020
Calling all teens in school band!!
Help us build community by showcasing your talent in our weekly Instagram posts Solo Sundays: an Solo Ensemble Showcase!
Email us
or DM us @old_fire_house_teen_center
send us 30-60 seconds of you performing your best of favorite piece!
Please include your name and a title of your piece.
Please include any social media @mentions if you'd like to be tagged in the showcase.
All submissions are due every Friday
Soloists submitting work can earn the following service hours:
2 hours for the solo submission
1 hour for an artist bio
1 hour for the Solo Sunday Show if shared on your feed (this is how we take attendance)
Contact the event organizers:
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Contact Email *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Message to Organizer