Make Cards for Children's Hospital
Saturday, November 21 2020
Join us for a step by step tutorial on making pop-up cards while we make cards for patients at Children's Hospital.
Platform for online class- Zoom (you need an account)
Service hours- 1 hour for attending and 1 hour for dropping off your card to be sanitized and delivered.
Materials to Bring-
-Letter size paper (printer, watercolor, or card stock)
-several sheets of different colored paper.
-Glue stick & tape
-Pencil and eraser
-Sharpie or ink pen for outlining
-Markers, crayons, or color pencils
Drop off will be at the end of our series at Redmond City Hall on the Monday Dec 7th. We will have contactless drop off from 5pm-5:30pm
Also check out our next Cards for Children's Hospital
Saturday, December 05 2020
Contact the event organizers: