Buche de Noel: French Club Baking Contest
Sunday, December 13 2020
Every year in partnership with RHS French Club we host a Buche de Noel Baking Contest!
Sign up here to participate and make a Buche de Noel!
How to Submit your Buche:
Submit 2 pictures of you. One while you are in the process of making your Buche de Noel and the second of your finished dessert!
Email pictures submissions to OFH@redmond.gov or DM us @old_fire_house_teen_center
Submissions are due 12/13 and the judging will take place in two stages, first at the RHS French Club's meeting on 12/16 and again in the Comments of the OFH Instagram's page on 12/19
Students can earn a total of 3 volunteer hours for submission with pictures!
The following French Teachers have also said they are willing to give out extra credit for participation in the Buche de Noel Contest and a reflection:
Maxwell, Marcia
Helena Gougeon
Tiffany Endres
Contact the event organizers: