Pick Up Art Supplies for our Community Art Project!
Saturday, December 19 2020
Thank you for joining our project! Teens earn service hours for joining the meeting and they get to help contribute to the design and creation of the public art piece! (sign up for the project here: https://www.trackitforward.com/site/491375/event/569159)
You will need to bring your own:
Pen, Pencil Or Marker, any color will do
We will supply the rest of the art supplies and you can pick them up at Redmond City Hall on Saturday 12/19 please select a time slot.
We will have a no contact pick up outside, in front of city hall. Please wear a mask when picking up supplies!
Contact the event organizers:
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Contact Email *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Message to Organizer