Fall Play Parents only: Lost Girl - light meal donations
Friday, November 05 2021
The students have been busy getting ready for their much anticipated play! They will be on campus rehearsing and finalizing their lines and will need nourishment to get through these rigorous days. We are asking 2-3 parents to coordinate a light meal for them so please add your contact information (email and phone number). Some suggestions are cheese sticks, crackers, variety of yogurts, fruit cups, fresh fruit, granola bars, cookies, (ice and cooler to keep items cold if need be and utensils/napkins) for 30 people.
Please consider those students who are lactose intolerant, vegan, vegetarian or those that have nut allergies. Light meal must be delivered to Sierra Madre Playhouse 87 W Sierra Madre Blvd, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 no later than 4:45pm.
If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Ramirez at 626-393-0136 or Irma Martel-Campos 323-496-1955 (texts preferred).
Thank you for taking care of our actors/crew members! Each parent will receive 2 hours for this event.
Contact the event organizers: Alverno Heights Academy Parents' Association