Santa's Villa
Saturday, December 12 2020
Candlelight Celebration is a living nativity scene or posada around the Villa. Students act out the nativity from the Immaculate Conception to the Birth of Jesus. There are singers, dancers, and other performers. Guests are invited to process around the Villa to experience the beauty of Christmas. The event concludes with Christmas carols in the Villa and a reception with cookies, hot chocolate, coffee etc.
Volunteers: Volunteers are needed to help distribute candles, provide extra light, carry fire extinguishers, etc.
Due to COVID, this will be an event similar to our Halloween event--all outside and everyone is expected to wear a mask. We will need several volunteers to direct traffic (vehicles enter at the Michillinda gate and exit below the Villa on Highland Avenue). Volunteers are also needed for set-up and clean-up. We ask that you be mindful of others and sign up for one volunteer spot per family. We look forward to seeing you at this wonderful winter wonderland.
Contact the event organizers: Alverno Heights Academy Parents' Association