Spring Musical - Mary Poppins -- NEED OF AT LEAST 4 PARENTS TO ASSIST WITH STRIKE DOWN OF SET/PROPS AND DELIVER BACK TO ALVERNO - Double service hours will be given
Saturday, April 30 2022
Asking for assistance with the strike down of the set and loading of the props onto the Alverno Van and returning to Alverno. Lifting and carrying will be necessary. In need of at least 4 parents. Strike down will begin shortly after the end of the musical on Saturday evening. Please arrive by 9 pm and see Irma Martel-Campos. The location is at Sierra Madre Elementary School - School Auditorium -- 141 W Highland Ave, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Double hours for strike down!
Irma - 323 496 1955
9:00pm - 11:30pm
strike down of set/props
lifting and carrying of set and props onto Alverno and delivering back to Alverno.
Contact the event organizers: Irma Martel-Campos
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