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Mamma Mia -- assistance with chaperoning the cast/crew back stage - Opening Night! Location is Lanterman Auditorium

Thursday, March 23 2023

Please considering chaperoning the cast/crew backstage as they bring Mamma Mia onto the stage tonight! This roll involves, keeping an eye on the cast/crew at all times backstage and fetching them water if need be. Please wear all black and wear comfortable shoes. Please remain backstage at all times. Contact for this event is Deanna Balsam. Please be sure to check in with her upon arrival. Contact number is 626.616.3172. The location is Lanterman Auditorium 4491 Cornishon Ave. La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011.

5:00pm - 9:30pm
keeping an eye on the cast/crew backstage
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Contact the event organizers: Deanna Balsam