Upper Bidwell Park Trailwork Day
Saturday, January 11 2025
Chico Velo Trailworks will be meeting at 9am on Saturday, January 11th, at the Rod and Gun Club in Upper Bidwell Park. We will carpool to the worksite, at the intersection of B Trail and the park road. The goal of the day is to complete a rock armoring project at the intersection. Portions of this work can be strenuous, sometimes helping to move very heavy rock. Please be prepared, but know you would not be expected to do any work you are not comfortable with. Tools will be provided. Please wear closed-toe shoes and bring water and any essential items you need. We may need to ask 1 or 2 volunteers to drive their personal vehicles up the park road, depending on how many join us (high clearance advised).
Your RSVP to this event acknowledges that you have read, understand and agree to the terms as described in the attached City of Chico release of liability. In the event the participant is under 18 years of age, please print & complete the attached volunteer application & return to Shane Romain, Parks & Natural Resources Mgr. shane.romain@chicoca.gov or 530-896-7831. Event sponsored by Chico Velo Trailworks and the City of Chico.
Contact the event organizers: Trailworks Chico Velo