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Prescribed Burn

Tuesday, May 11 2021

PALS help is needed with keeping park visitors out of the prescribed burn area. PALS are needed to act as monitors at trailheads in Middle Park. Please contact Shane at 624-1102 or by email shane.romain@chicoca.gov if you are interested in helping. Thank you!

The Park Division in partnership with the Chico Fire Department plan to conduct a prescribed burn in Middle Bidwell Park on Tuesday May 11, 2021 from approximately 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The focus of this upcoming burn will be the grassland area north of Upper Park Road between Parking Areas B (Easter Cross) and C (Observatory), and the area between Parking Area A and B, if time permits (please see attached maps). However, this burn event will depend on temperature, wind, and weather conditions.
For the public’s safety, Parking Lots B and C, and the western portions of the Fence Line, Middle, and North Rim Trails will be closed. Signs will be placed at these trailheads. A Ranger will be at the main gate and monitors will be placed at other location to help inform park users of the burn.
The Parks Division and Fire Department area asking for the public’s cooperation in complying with the trail closures and to use caution when driving along Upper Park Road during burning operations.
The primary purpose of the burn is to further the following goals of the Bidwell Park Master Management Plan to:
1. Use prescribed fire as a management tool to protect and enhance habitats and reduce the risk of catastrophic fires within Bidwell Park.
2. Eliminate undesirable or invasive plants that compete with or reduce native vegetation, and/or degrade wildlife habitat for endangered or threatened species.
3. Improve the age, class, and diversity within existing mature, even-age stands of oak trees and other plant communities by encouraging young oak recruitment, which is another positive byproduct of fire.

4.Reduce the fuels and star thistle infestations along nearby roads, trails, and other park amenities to increase the safety for community members and pets who use the park daily.

8:30am - 5:00pm

Contact the event organizers: Romain Shane