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Upper Bidwell Park Trailworks Day

Sunday, October 27 2024

We will be meeting at the top of trash line / humboldt trail on the north side of hwy 32 at 8:45am, and will hike down to the worksite at the bottom of Bloody Pin trail.


We will work on bulldozer line at the bottom of Bloody Pin trail, installing new drains. There will be extensive hiking in and out of the worksite. Tools and PPE will be provided. Please wear closed-toe shoes and bring water and any essential items you need. Your RSVP to this event acknowledges that you have read, understand and agree to the terms as described in the attached City of Chico release of liability. In the event the participant is under 18 years of age, please print & complete the attached volunteer application & return to Shane Romain, Assistant Park & Natural Resources Mgr. shane.romain@chicoca.gov or 530-896-7831. Event sponsored by Chico Velo Trailworks and the City of Chico.

8:45am - 12:30pm
5 / 10

Contact the event organizers: Trailworks Chico Velo, Romain Shane