TTC led work party at Capitol Forest March 8, 2025
Saturday, March 08 2025
Clearing trails of downed trees, cleaning out culverts, and doing drainage work.
Meet at the Tacoma Trail Cruisers property: 9201 Sherman Valley Road, Olympia, WA.
What Do Volunteers Need to Bring? Drinking water, hard hats, gloves, shovels, grub hoes, If you are a certified sawyer, please bring a chainsaw and your saw card. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Rain gear. Motorcycles or Quads (4-Wheeler) required. This is a no Walk in Work Party. Plan on riding a 30-mile loop.
TTC group Leader: Steve Tjelde, 1 (253) 640-1136,
After the work party the club is hosting lunch at the TTC property. Chili and hot dogs under a shelter with a hot fire.
Note that Capitol Forest motorized trails are under seasonal closure until May 1, 2025. Riding in to complete this work is by special permit from the DNR. Please do not abuse this privilege.
Contact the event organizers: larry spracklin