Tacoma Trail Cruisers work party - Capitol Forest
Saturday, February 03 2024
On 02/03/2024 we will be clearing trails of downed trees. Starting from TTC club property, we will ride to Waddel Basin East and start at the Tunnel. Working our way to the Rock Candy Trail up to the Army Road. Then down to the Rock Candy Staging parking Lot.
Meet at Tacoma Trail Cruisers club property: 9201 Sherman Valley Road
What Do Volunteers Need to Bring? Lunch, drinking water, hard hats, gloves, shovels, grub hoes, Chain saws (only for operators who are certified through DNR to use chainsaws), Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Rain gear, Motorcycles or Quads (4-Wheeler). This is a no-walk-in Work Party. You must have a Motorcycle or Quad. Plan on riding a 25 mile loop and make sure your machine has enough gas.
Contact the event organizers: Lori Taylor
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